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GCN Circulars

GCN Circulars are rapid astronomical bulletins submitted by and distributed to community members worldwide. They are used to share discoveries, observations, quantitative near-term predictions, requests for follow-up observations, or future observing plans related to high-energy, multi-messenger, and variable or transient astrophysical events. See the documentation for help with subscribing to or submitting Circulars.

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50 results found.

  1. Fermi trigger No 732299243: Global MASTER-Net observations report
  2. LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA S231008ap: Identification of a GW compact binary merger candidate
  3. IceCube-230708A - IceCube observation of a high-energy neutrino candidate track-like event
  4. Fermi trigger No 675411172: Global MASTER-Net observations report
  5. IceCube-220221A - IceCube observation of a high-energy neutrino candidate track-like event
  6. Fermi-LAT Gamma-ray Observations of IceCube-211023A
  7. IceCube-211023A - IceCube observation of a high-energy neutrino candidate track-like event
  8. Fermi-LAT Gamma-ray Observations of IceCube-210730A
  9. Fermi GRB 210615A: Global MASTER-Net observations report
  10. Fermi-LAT Gamma-ray Observations of IceCube-201120A
  11. AX J1846.4-0258: Swift-BAT refined analysis
  12. Swift Detection of an SGR-like flare from AX J1846.4-0258
  13. Swift-XRT observations of IceCube 200615A
  14. Fermi-LAT ANTARES 200127.79 coincidence: MASTER alert observation and presence of young pulsar close to error-box
  15. LIGO/Virgo S191110af: Potential pulsar counterparts
  16. Fermi-LAT Gamma-ray Observations of IceCube-191001A
  17. Trigger 896552: Swift detection of PSR B1055-52
  18. Fermi-GBM Detection of possible burst from AXP CXOU J164710.2-455216/PSR J1647-4552
  19. Swift Trigger on AXP CXOU J164710.2-455216/PSR J1647-4552
  20. Fermi-LAT Gamma-ray Observations of IceCube-171106A
  21. Fermi-GBM Detection of possible burst from AXP CXOU J164710.2-455216/PSR J1647-4552
  22. Trigger 780207: Swift triggers again on AXP CXOU J164710.2-455216/PSR J1647-4552
  23. Swift Trigger on AXP CXOU J164710.2-455216/PSR J1647-4552
  24. GRB 170519A: iTelescope T11 optical observations
  25. Swift Trigger on AXP CXOU J164710.2-455216
  26. GBM observation of SGR-like burst from the direction of PSR 1119-6127
  27. Trigger 706396: Swift detection of a short burst from PSR 1119-6127
  28. SGR 1935+2154: AbAO optical upper limit
  29. IPN Triangulation of SGR-like burst 130913 - probable association with SGR/AXP 1E1841-045
  30. GRB 120927A: Swift/UVOT Upper Limits
  31. GRB 120226A: Fermi-GBM and Fermi-LAT detections; LAT position retraction
  32. Swift detection of short bursts from PSR J1647-4552
  33. SGR J1834.9-0846: A Neutron Star in W41?
  34. Swift J1822.3-1606
  35. SGR 1E 1841-045: Swift detection of a soft gamma repeater burst
  36. An SGR-like burst from the magnetar 1E 1841-04.5 in Kes 73
  37. GRB 100116A: Suzaku WAM observation of the prompt emission
  38. GRB 070223: Optical Observations
  39. VLA observation of GRB 070223
  40. GRB 070223: Swift-XRT Refined Analysis
  41. GRB 051221: Swift/UVOT upper limits
  42. GRB050701: Swift-BAT Refined analysis
  43. Swift trigger 143708 is really GRB 050701
  44. The Radio Afterglow from the X-ray Rich GRB 011030
  45. GRB 011030, WSRT radio observations
  46. GRB011030 - further refinement WFC position
  47. GRB011030: radio search
  48. GRB 011030, R-band observations
  49. BeppoSAX ALERT: Possible X-ray rich GRB011030
  50. GRB990123, 15-GHz limits


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